This zucchini chicken enchilada casserole has all of the enchilada flavors without the grains or dairy! It’s easily made in one dish and is...
These no-bake Samoa truffles are perfect for satisfying your girl scout cookie cravings! They’re paleo, gluten-free, vegan, dairy-free and can be made AIP. What...
This Homemade Lavender Whipped Honey is so incredibly easy and delicious! Add it to waffles, pancakes, biscuits, or even lattes. Have you ever heard...
this post contains affiliate links These homemade peeps are the perfect Easter dessert and cooking project! They’re made with corn-free homemade marshmallows and naturally...
This homemade coconut milk chocolate bar is the perfect alternative to dark chocolate! It’s vegan, dairy-free, and super simple to make. I was always...
This Lemon Greek Chicken & Rice is a Greek inspired dish made in one pan! It’s dairy-free, gluten-free, and so quick and simple to...