This ground beef stuffed sweet potato with avocado chimichurri is an easy and healthy meal that’s satisfying and easy to make! Meat and potatoes...
This avocado chimichurri is the easiest sauce to add tons of flavor to a variety of dishes! It’s made with cilantro, garlic, oregano, parsley,...
This easy avocado salmon salad is the perfect lunch that will only take you 5 minutes to prep! It’s gluten-free, paleo, and AIP-friendly. Lunches...
These chicken lettuce wraps are the perfect healthier PF Chang’s copycat! They’re paleo, whole30, and AIP compliant. I was always an unhealthy eater as...
This sweet potato shepherd’s pie is an easy, comforting, and freezer-friendly meal. It’s gluten-free, paleo, and can be made AIP. Shepherd’s pie is...
These shredded BBQ chicken bowls let the slow cooker do the heavy lifting and are made with easy no-cook sides! They’re paleo, gluten-free, and...