#4: How To Stop The Comparison Trap
Today, Anne and I are discussing the comparison trap, how it negatively affects your healing journey, and how to stop!
- Big news from Anne [1:16]
- What Michelle is loving [6:22]
- The comparison trap [10:00]
- Why we compare ourselves [13:05]
- Why it’s harmful [17:41]
- Comparing yourself to your former self [27:20]
- How to stop comparison [35:09]
- Recognize when you’re comparing yourself [35:20]
- End the cycle [37:25]
- Set realistic goals [40:31]
- How to be more grateful [46:20]
Find more from Michelle at UnboundWellness.com
Find more from Anne Marie at GrassFedSalsa.com
Join our Facebook group at Facebook.com/groups/UnboundHealing
Links mentioned-
AIP Breakfast Sandwiches – (link to come)
Ready to Pop-sicles (pregnancy announcement) – grassfedsalsa.com/blog/prosecco-popsicles/
Michelle’s blog post about constantly obsessing about health unboundwellness.com/how-to-stop-obsessing-over-health
Melyssa Griffin podcast on gratitude – http://www.melyssagriffin.com/danielle-laporte-define-success/