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These brownie ice cream sandwiches are the perfect gluten and dairy-free summer treat! 

Who doesn’t love ice cream sandwiches in the summer?! I used to love the chocolate and vanilla ice cream sandwiches that were rectangular and wrapped in plastic. They always hit the spot, no matter the time of year.

After going gluten and dairy-free, I was convinced that this was one of those things that I’d never be able to find the proper alternative for. I finally tackled it at home and let me tell you… this is quite literally just as good as the real deal.

Why you’ll love Brownie Ice Cream Sandwiches

  • Real deal ice cream sandwiches! It’s hard to find a real ice cream sandwich gluten and dairy free, but these hit the spot!
  • The perfect summer treat! With summer starting, these are the perfect treat to have in your freezer to enjoy on a summer evening!

The Ingredients for Brownie Ice Cream Sandwiches

  • Simple Mills Brownies. This is my favorite gluten free brownie mix and is a great shortcut for this recipe. You can try other brownie options, but this is just what I’ve tested for these exact measurements. 
  • Avocado Oil and Apple Sauce. The box calls for ½ cup of oil, which gets pretty expensive! I use half avocado oil and half apple sauce to cut down on cost, and it still yields a great product. 
  • Eggs. You can also try to do use an egg alternative like a flax egg. Keep in mind that the brownies will be more delicate to work with. 
  • Dairy Free Ice Cream. I love this dairy-free ice cream!

The Tools 

  • 1/8th Sheet Baking Pans. This is the best way to get the perfect shape for the ice cream sandwiches. You can try to use a larger baking pan and slice the brownies in half, but it may change the baking time.
  • An ice cream scoop and a good knife. You definitely want to make sure you have a sharp chefs knife to slice the ice cream sandwiches. 

How to Make Brownie Ice Cream Sandwiches

  • Step One. Make the brownie batter.
  • Step Two. Divide the batter into two baking pans and bake.
  • Step Three. Once brownies are cool, add ice cream on top of one pan of brownies.
  • Step Four. Add the other brownie pan onto and transfer to freezer to set.
  • Step Five. Slice into ice cream sandwiches and enjoy!

Can you store these in the freezer for later?

You for sure can! I just suggest wrapping them in a freezer-safe storage option.

How long can you store them in the freezer?

If you’re anything like me, these will be eaten pretty quickly! But you can keep these for a few weeks in the freezer… if you can wait that long.


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Brownie Ice Cream Sandwiches {Gluten & Dairy Free}

  • Author: Unbound Wellness
  • Total Time: 6 hours, 15 mins
  • Yield: 9 servings 1x
  • Diet: Gluten Free




  1. Preheat the oven to 375 F and line two 1/8th sheet baking pans (I used these) with lightly greased parchment paper. 
  2. Add the avocado oil, apple sauce, water, and eggs to a large bowl and whisk well to combine. Add the brownie mix and fold in the wet ingredients until a smooth batter forms. 
  3. Divide the batter between the two baking pans and transfer it to the oven. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the brownies are firm and baked through. Set aside and allow to cool completely in the pans.
  4. Once the brownies are cool to the touch, use an ice cream scoop to add the ice cream to the top of one of the brownie pans. Use a silicone spatula to evenly spread the ice cream.
  5. Carefully flip the other brownie pan onto the brownies with the ice cream and cover with plastic wrap or foil. Transfer to the freezer and allow to set for 6 hours, preferably overnight.
  6. Once fully set, slice into 9 (or more)
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 10 mins
  • Method: bake
  • Cuisine: Global


  • Serving Size: 1 serving
  • Calories: 426
  • Fat: 20.2g
  • Carbohydrates: 55.8g
  • Fiber: .1g
  • Protein: 5.5g