These mango chicken tostadas are an easy flavorful dish made with grain-free tortillas, shredded chicken, mango, and a delicious dressing! They’re paleo and AIP-friendly....
These paleo zucchini fries are made with a pork panko coating and are egg-free and AIP-friendly! They’re baked in the oven and perfect for...
These easy energy bites are gluten-free, refined sugar-free, and perfect for nursing moms! They’re made with oats, flaxseeds, almond butter, and other nourishing ingredients....
These healthy no-bake apple “donuts” are the easiest healthy snack made with fresh apples, and fun toppings like almond butter, yogurt, and more! Healthy...
This post contains affiliate links. These AIP cereal bars are going to be your new favorite AIP-friendly snack! They’re made with Lovebird cereal, coconut...
These frozen yogurt and chocolate-covered blueberries are an easy and healthy homemade snack! They’re refined sugar-free, paleo, vegan, and can be made AIP. Frozen...