This strawberry pink drink sorbet is a Starbucks copycat in ice cream form! It’s dairy-free and made easily in the ninja creami with minimal ingredients.

Have you ever tried the pink drink from starbucks?! It’s a really simple but delicious summery drink made with coconut milk, acai, and freeze dried strawberries! Generally, people make it at home with white cranberry and strawberry juice and coconut milk, but overall, it’s a super yummy and aesthetic drink! 

Since I’ve been playing with my ninja creami more, I decided to try these flavors as a sorbet and surprise… it’s amazing. This version is naturally sweetened (no added white sugar), dairy free, and made with lots of fresh strawberries for a perfectly fresh flavor!

Ingredients for Strawberry Pink Drink Sorbet

  • Fresh Strawberries. I highly recommend using fresh strawberries rather than frozen as frozen will take up more volume, throwing off the ratios, and is more likely to float which can freeze off center.
  • Coconut Milk. I actually used a carton of coconut milk rather than canned coconut milk for this recipe to give it a lighter texture more like a sorbet rather than an ice cream. However, full fat canned coconut milk should also work.
  • White Grape Juice and Cranberry Juice.  
  • Freeze-Dried Strawberries. Optional for topping!


  • The Ninja Creami is a small home appliance that makes ice cream, sorbet, and milkshakes! It even has a setting for mix-ins so you can add your favorite flavors.

How to make Pink Drink Sorbet in the Ninja Creami

Step one. Combine all of the ingredients in the Ninja creami container and freeze for 24 hours.

Step two. Run the container until warm water for about a minute, then blend on sorbet mode. Add a splash of coconut milk and respin 2-3 times until creamy.

Step three. Serve fresh topped with freeze dried strawberries!

Tips & Tricks

  • Go with the fresh strawberries rather than frozen. I tried this recipe with frozen strawberries, and the problem is that they’re generally frozen whole and it takes up too much volume. They were floating which risks the creami not freezing flat, which is definitely not recommended for blending without damaging the blade. The sliced strawberries allows for more strawberries to fit in the container, and if they do float up, they’re still flat rather than round.
  • Spin it as much as needed! I find that spinning my creami sorbets at least 3 times is necessary, but add more if needed.

Can you make this recipe without a Ninja Creami?

The ratios may differ, but you can try blending all of the ingredients in a food processor and freeze in an airtight container.

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Strawberry Pink Drink Sorbet {in the ninja creami}

  • Author: Unbound Wellness


  • 2 cups fresh strawberries, halved
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk (plus 1-2 tbsp extra for when you’re spinning the sorbet)
  • 1/4 cup white grape juice
  • 1/4 cup cranberry juice
  • Crushed freeze-dried strawberries


  1. Add the fresh strawberries to the base of the ninja creami container and push them down to pack them in.
  2. Pour the coconut milk, grape juice and cranberry juice over the strawberries, and arrange any strawberries that may have floated up to ensure the top freezes flat. Place the lid on the container and freeze for 24 hours.
  3. Once frozen, run the container under warm water for about a minute, rotating the sides to ensure that any icey bits of the frozen liquid break up slightly. Ensure that the mixture is flat and not off-center, as this will damage the blade. Place the frozen cup inside the outer bowl and lock the lid on top. Spin on the sorbet setting once.
  4. Remove the lid and make a well in the center of the creami. Add a splash of coconut milk and spin again on the respin setting. You’ll spin 2-3 times total, adding a splash of coconut milk as needed until the sorbet is creamy to your liking!
  5. Serve cold topped with crushed freeze dried strawberries!